
Nap Nanny Infant Sleep Aide, Camel

Buy Cheap Nap Nanny Infant Sleep Aide, Camel

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Nap Nanny - Minky CamelThe Nap Nanny is a groundbreaking product designed by a mother to improve infant sleep. Parents often turn to a wedge to elevate their baby in an effort to get them to sleep but babies often roll off the wedge. Now there's a better choice. The Nap Nanny is made with a durable yet incredibly comfortable high-density polyurethane foam that mimics the contours of a car seat, the comfort of a baby blanket and the stability of a mattress allowing your infant to rest peacefully. The Nap Nanny AdvantageIncreased Infant ComfortNap Nanny elevates baby 30 degrees, which is recommended by doctors for babies with: reflux colic colds or stuffiness gas ear infectionsChild SecurityInnovative foam design cradles infant while safety harness holds baby securely in place. DurableWaterproof liner protects the foam for greater longevity.PortableWeighing only 3 pounds, the Nap Nanny can travel with you and stores easily.Do MoreThe Nap Nanny is ideal for bottle feeding, playtime, or any other time your baby needs a comfortable place to rest. Nap Nanny is also ideal for bottle feeding twins simultaneously.

Technical Details

- Elevates baby 30 degrees which is recommended by doctors for babies with reflux, colic, golds, gas, and ear infections
- Made of comfortable high-density polyurethane foam
- Nap Nanny is ideal for bottle feeding, playtime, or a comfortable place to rest
- Is a great product
See more technical details
Customer Buzz
 "Mom Gets to Sleep Because Grandma Found Nap Nanny..." 2010-02-12
By delicateflower152 (Texas)
My daughter's baby was over 9 pounds at birth - and, to top it off he suffered from reflux. After several weeks of having losing sleep, she took the doctor's recommendation to elevate her son while he was sleeping. She used his bouncy chair and the car seat, but was still not happy with the results. In other words, she still wasn't getting to sleep, and he still suffered from reflux. Over-the-counter and prescription medicines helped some, but not enough. I had seen this item while perusing her baby magazines and suggested she try it. However, as an independant adult, she thought there had to be other ways to solve the problem.

Ten weeks of very poor sleep proved to be her breaking point; she ordered the Nap Nanny just after Christmas. Within a day, her son was sleeping better and suffering the effects of reflux less. Thus, Mom was getting a better quality sleep and was much happier.

Her son is 17 pounds at four months old; he still both fits in and sleeps well in the Nap Nanny. He, too, is an active sleeper. However, he is still being swaddled during sleeping times and does not wiggle or roll out of the Nap Nanny. Additionally, the strap on the Nap Nanny provides additional assurance that the baby will not roll out of the Nap Nanny. I definitely recommend this product to parents whose baby has a problem with reflux. They should find it aids the baby and is a real help in allowing them to get some quality sleep.

Customer Buzz
 "Great product" 2010-02-04
By HM (Mountain View, CA)
Our baby was born 7 weeks early, and since coming home had difficulty sleeping flat due gas and reflux. We had been using a wedge sleep positioner, but this provided only about 2 inches of elevation, and the baby would still wake up in a couple hours uncomfortable or spitting up. Since using the nap nanny he can sleep for 5 hours at a time (and likely longer as I wake him up to feed) and even more amazing we can put him in awake and he will go to sleep on his own (there was no prayer of that happening before).

As mentioned by other reviewers, the product did have a strong smell out of the box-but after a day of airing out there is no lingering odor. We use ours with the snuzzler head support to keep his head positioned-which works perfectly; the body support seemed to crowd him too much. Our baby will only sleep in the bed with us, and I feel much safer with him in the nap nanny between us as there is no chance he can slide under our blankets. Other than the steep price I think its a great product-and for us the added sleep makes it well worth it.

Customer Buzz
 "Now we sleep!!" 2010-02-03
By Daniel L. Tidwell (Madisonville, TX USA)
My baby was born premature at 35 weeks and we have been suffering from congestion since she was a week old. Then at about 3 weeks old the reflux came on. She could only sleep well when we slept in the recliner. Since we got the nap nanny it has been a true blessing. We put it in her cradle and it sits beside our bed. It was worth every penny!! We also purchase the amazon recommended head and body support from kiddopotamus because she doesn't have much head control. I tried it without the head support first but she was uncomfortable.

Customer Buzz
 "Trying to make it work" 2010-01-28
By Toddler Mom (Dallas, TX United States)
I love this design and the concept. However, it does have a strong chemical smell. The foam is highly flammable and therefor has to be treated with flame retardant chemicals to meet government standards. I've read the other reviews regarding this and the manufacturers response. I don't doubt that their product meets government requirements and standards for safety, but the government does not have very high standards regarding chemicals in children's products. They allow levels of chemicals in children's products that are harmful to small bodies.

My other complaint is that the waterproof piece of fabric inside the cover only covers the back and seat/bottom. Anyone who has bought this for a child with reflux knows they can spew some spit up. The raised sides on either side are not protected with any type of water proof covering.

My experience with this product...

When I got it, I washed the cover. Washing it got rid of the chemical smell on the cover. However, as soon as I put the cover back on the foam chair, it smelled again. I took the cover off and again washed it. I then thought that perhaps a plastic barrier between the foam and the cover would help. I put the foam chair in a snug fitting garbage bag, poking the D-rings on the chair through the garbage bag so the cover could be properly fastened to the chair. I then put the cover on the chair with the garbage bag on it. After sitting my son in the chair for a while, I picked him up and he smelled like the chemicals on the chair. I'm now washing the cover again and have the chair outside trying to air it out.

Like I said, I love this design and really want to make it work. I hope it does, for my son's sake and so that I will not have thrown away $140.

It would have been nice if the foam chair was covered in a waterproof, plastic cover to protect it and form a barrier between the chemicals and baby, and then have the fabric cover fit over that. However, this would probably have been cost prohibitive since it's already such an expensive product.

I do like this product, just not sure I'm going to be able to use it if I can't diminish the smell. I hate to know I've thrown this money away but my baby's health is more important than $140.

Customer Buzz
 "Sleeping through the night since 3m old" 2010-01-26
By Sara (TX)
Every Mom needs this product for infants!!! It's helped my daughter completely get rid of colicky symptoms and sleep through the night almost every night since we got it when she was three months old. She is 6m now and can sit up on her own, so we had to take her out b/c she was launching herself over the sides. Many people have complained that the sides are too low, but you want them that height when they are younger so they won't suffocate when they turn their head into the sides. When your child is old enough to sit up they have most likely outgrown the colicky symptoms anyway and you don't really need them sleeping in the Nap Nanny any more. Our daughter made the transition to the flat crib just fine. The $199.00 that we paid was a small price to pay for the safe colic free sleep we got from the Nap Nanny durring the last 3 months. I do not recomend making one of these on your own. This model has been tested with top saftey regulations and I sure wouldn't trust myself or my husband to make something like that for my child to sleep in that wasn't approved and tested. Hope you try it out, it's been such a lifesaver for us!

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